Planet FM is a not-for-profit community based radio station. We offer a radio broadcast facility to community groups and individuals who otherwise have little or no access to the airwaves.
Access Community Radio Incorporated, which broadcasts as Planet FM, doesn’t make radio programmes. We provide the facilities, advice, training and technical support needed for community groups and individuals to make their own radio programmes.
Incorporated in 1987, Access Community Radio Auckland broadcast on temporary licenses until the Broadcasting Act of 1989 presented an opportunity for the station to secure a permanent frequency. From 1989 until 2000 the station was heard on 810AM. In 2000, Access Community Radio rebranded as Planet FM 104.6 and today broadcasts from stand-alone premises at #79 Carrington Road, on the Mt. Albert campus of Unitec.
The station is funded from airtime fees, membership subscriptions and with support from NZ On Air to deliver services in keeping with Section 36C of the Broadcasting Act, which requires the provision of broadcasting facilities for minority interests, needs and groups. Planet FM delivers these services on community access principles of radio by, for and about its users.
You can make radio – in your language, from your point-of-view, for your interest, within the law – but without editorial control.
Planet FM offers individual training. Learn how to prepare the programme, to research, to record on-station and off-station and how to operate the equipment for a live show. When your programme application is approved, we work out a free personalised training programme for you.
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: http://www.planetaudio.org.nz
- Phone:
- (09) 815 8600 (Office and Admin)
- (09) 815 8100 (On-Air studio)
- Fax: (09) 815 8620
- Physical Address:
- 79 Carrington Road
- Pt. Chevalier
- On the campus of Unitec
- Auckland
- Postal Address:
- PO Box 44-215
- Pt. Chevalier
- Auckland 1246